Terms of Service

Terms of Service for The Canvas Nomad

Last Updated: Sept. 18th, 2023


Welcome to The Canvas Nomad, where art and commerce find their perfect blend. By accessing or using our website, you agree to abide by these Terms of Service. If you can't agree, it's like saying you don't like a Picasso—subjective, but it means this probably isn't the place for you.

General Information

The Canvas Nomad is your go-to for original photographic canvases. Soon, we'll feature AI-generated art and even dabble in apparel like T-shirts and hoodies. We're not a one-hit wonder; we're an evolving art experience.

User Agreement

Personal Use Only:
The artwork sold on this platform is strictly for personal, non-commercial use. Display it in your home, feature it in a YouTube video (as long as you give us a shoutout), but don't go running a business around it.

Acceptable Use Policy

We're an art gallery, not a battleground. Keep it classy—no spamming, trolling, or harassment allowed.

Intellectual Property

All the artwork featured is the intellectual property of The Canvas Nomad. You have the right to display the physical product, but reproductions or commercial uses are prohibited without prior consent.

Privacy Policy

We value privacy almost as much as we value good art. Customer data will be used for gauging product popularity. For everything else, refer to Shopify's and Printify's respective privacy policies.

Modification and Termination

Changes to the TOS will be sent via email. So keep an eye on that inbox unless you want to miss out on the evolving fine print.

Contact Information

For customer service queries, [insert channels here].